Curt W.
“Congratulations on your 500th post! I consider you to be one of the great fashion experts!”
IG: @curt3_74
Anderson G.
“You are one of the top three where I drag most of my inspiration from, the whole idea of how you build your outfits, where everything is connected clicked in my brain, and since I have extra brain horsepower, you give some work to those neurons to be busy!
IG: @anderson.garo
Abram M.
“You’re one of the inspirations that made me want to do this seriously.”
IG: @dandybutler
Dr. J
“If you want to see someone who has this GQ thing down to a science, check out @suittielinksbracesman.”
IG: @adayinthelifeofdr.j
Renato A.
“Brian, I am absolutely not into bow ties but you are to change my mind soon…you are definitely one of the best bow tie models!”
IG: @renato_amburgo
“It’s cool how you always look like you are having fun with your content. Makes me smile while being envious of your great wardrobe and accessories.”
IG: @thomassdca
Mitchell T.
“Dude! How you continue to coordinate what feels uncoordinatable (yes I made that up) is unbelievable man!”
“Sir, I’ve been following you for some time and because of your ability to create amazing ensembles from colors I normally would never consider has taught me to be more creative when pairing or even choosing what to wear! I will encapsulate with a resounding – BRAVO!”
IG: @besmoque
"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you. You have impeccable style and are always
promoting your cufflinks. Today, I happen to be wearing a French cuff shirt and had
cufflinks picked out last night. After seeing your post, I thought about when I was
younger, around 20, and my dad gave me his old couplings that he had that were from
the 80s and very stylized and kind of bloody for a 20-year-old. Of course, I kept them in
a box with all the other cufflinks. Upon thinking about that today, I looked in the
drawer, pulled out those cufflinks and they are perfect for today’s outfit of the day. So I
just wanted to take a second to say thank you for reminding me of those!"
IG: @tonyinasuit
Udy B
You are a real inspiration. I am really in awe of what you do everyday. It takes time and careful planning. Paying attention to the little details.
IG: @ubu92
K. E. Guerre, No Chaser Magazine
[After winning 'The Best Dressed Man 2022' at The Sartorial Club NYC Awards] When we looked at your photo, for example, you're immaculate. I mean, just honestly, just the details are perfect....thats a well dressed man.
IG: @guerreisms
Thank you for the consistent inspiration. Like someone said, you make it look fun, and that vibe and spirit is contagious.
IG: @thedapperscout
You know, every time you pop up in my feed, I am immediately inspired to go visit local thrift stores or shops to try and diversify my wardrobe. I love how varied and wide ranging your style is, in addition to how handsome and confident you look putting these different outfits together. Thanks for doing what you do and inspiring an amateur like me to branch out and do better. Cheers!
IG: @jsmithey029
Patrick O.
How can the effortless style you promote be 'uncomfortable'? Because of your posts, I enjoy taking a chance with what *I* wear, and it's fun. Thanks for the inspiration.
IG: @pjsodonnell
Kunal Y.
"Conclusion- STLB fashion is the ETHNIC fashion blended with dapperness of new generation and that's what makes it UNIQUE. "
IG: @kunal_yadav49
Jose Luis P
Suittielinksbracesman, man have I learned so much from you. Thank you for all your content. Not a single post is in vain!
IG: @jose_luis_jr
Al from Barcelona
“I follow you because you inspire me to dress well for occasional meetings with friends and because your posts are amazing!”
IG: @cigarlover69
Chase W.
One thing I always love about your posts, Brian, is how radiantly positive they are. Just about every day you're out there dressing up, being goofy, handsome, and suave. Makes me feel motivated and puts a smile on my face :) Big Hugs and much love!
IG: @twdgkenny